All because two people fell in love!
Posted by Courtney and Andrew at 10:03 AM 5 comments
Posted by Courtney and Andrew at 9:59 AM 2 comments
Posted by Courtney and Andrew at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Brooklyn had her first dance recital on Saturday. I wasn't sure how things were going to go that night because when I took her to the practice that morning, she wanted nothing to do with getting on stage. But later that night as we were getting ready she was so excited. She even told me "I am going to dance really good." She was so cute! At one point in her first dance they were to all do a summer sault. The girl in front of Brooklyn couldn't quite make it over so Brooklyn gave her a little push on the tush. Everyone laughed! It was great. After it was all over Brooklyn wasn't ready to be done. She could have done 10 more dances. Big change from that morning.
Posted by Courtney and Andrew at 5:45 PM 2 comments
After months of counting down the days we were finally off to FLORIDA. Our trip began Friday the 21st, by driving to Salt Lake and staying in a hotel there. With 6 suitcases, 3 kids and 5 bags of carry on luggage we were full.
The boys there got swords and the girls got fairy princess wands. Baylee enjoyed smacking everyone with hers.
We decided to go to Mickey's Toon Town where Brooklyn saw that you could get your face painted. She picked a Princess kitty. And sat there so well as they did it. I was amazed!
Then we had to tour Minnies house but thought Minnie was at the end. No luck!
After toon town it was off to Alladins magic Carpet
and the we convinced Andrew that he had to go on Splash Mountain. Andrew hates rides, especially anything that drops or is fast in anyway. Him and Baylee go great together. I think the thing that made it all worth it is that he got to see Goofy at the end.
Brooklyn end up seeing Pluto and had to get in her beauty shots with him.
Posted by Courtney and Andrew at 2:04 PM 5 comments