Thursday, December 4, 2008

FLORIDA! Be careful really long post and many pics!

After months of counting down the days we were finally off to FLORIDA. Our trip began Friday the 21st, by driving to Salt Lake and staying in a hotel there. With 6 suitcases, 3 kids and 5 bags of carry on luggage we were full.

The next morning began bright and early with us catching the bus at 6:15 in the morning! YIKES! I kept having dreams all night the we missed our plane so needless to say it was a pretty restless night for me. We got to the airport in plenty of time and were able to take it easy, eat donuts and wait for our airplane. Baylee's favorite thing to do was to crawl to the window and watch the airplanes. Brooklyn enjoyed making a tent out of the stroller for her babies. Can you believe we tooked that huge thing to Florida. Well it got broke in flight so Delta is buying us a new one but that is beside the point.I made Drew start working on his homework which he wasn't to happy about. But I have learned in going to Florida three other times while still in school that it is better to get in down early! After a long long plane ride with one stop in Atlanta we made it to Florida! YAY! We got to catch a bus that took us right to our hotel with all of our luggage which we didn't even have to worry about! So nice!This is a little forshawdowing of the pictures to come with Brooklyn. She is the princess and she knows it! But the princess thing was getting old! Drew waiting so patiently for the bus! Once we got to our hotel we decided to take the kids over to see the CASTLE at Magic Kingdom. Brooklyn was just in awe. We kept asking her what she thought and all she could say was GOOD! After traveling all day we were hungry so went and got some food and then it was off to see the castle. Brooklyn actually wanted to touch the castle which we made sure of!After eating Drew split with the cousins to go check out the rides so we Andrew, grandma the kids and I slowly made our way out but were caught in the middle of the parade. Which of course we had to stay and watch! Baylee loved all the lights and the characters. Brooklyn made it to the end and then passed out! Andrew was able to find a candy shop and of course we had to visit, in fact we probably visited every candy store and the DISNEY property. Andrew said he was a alcholic in a licquer store. Andrew showing off his great fashion sense!
The next day we were off to Hollywood Studios. As we were walking in we came across these guys that were freakin hilarious! Everytime Andrew saw them he had to stop and watch!We were waiting out side of the Tower of Terror and Brookyn wanted some cheetos but wanted to buy them her self! So I gave her a five dollar bill and told her to go buy some. She about forgot to get the change and leave the lady a nice tip.Her enjoying her hard work!Brooklyn and Drew wanted to stop off and get some cute hats! There is big old me! I try not to be in to many pics!That night we went the Prime Time Cafe. The resturant is decorated life you are in a house right out of the 50's and 60's. You call all your waiters and waitresses mom and dad and everyone in the resturant is your cousins. You can't put your elbows on the table or sass. Which you should do anyways. Andrew kind of forgot the rule about the elbows and got to wear this lovely hat that said NO ELBOWS the rest of the meal. Which he was scared to take off for fear of what the waitress would do next. Shaun got a lovely one that said BRAT on it because apprantly he was being a little naughty.
We had quite a good time and Baylee enjoyed herselft too!The next day we had were able to eat at the castle with princesses. Which I thought was going to be a slam dunk happy day for Brooklyn, but she was kind of moody until we got inside. It started with a picture with Cinderella and then upstairs for breakfast with all the Belle, Sleeping Beauty, Jasmine and Snow White.

The boys there got swords and the girls got fairy princess wands. Baylee enjoyed smacking everyone with hers.

Then we were off to tour Magic Kingdom. Heather and Kirsten and Jill took Baylee and Brooklyn on the Dumbo ride. Baylee is not to into rides. She reminds me so much of Nattie! Then to the carousel and the teacups. The carousel was one of the few rides I could go on. Brooklyn and Drew loved the teacups. The carousel on the other hand was one of those rides Drew could have lived without!

We decided to go to Mickey's Toon Town where Brooklyn saw that you could get your face painted. She picked a Princess kitty. And sat there so well as they did it. I was amazed!Then we had to tour Minnies house but thought Minnie was at the end. No luck!After toon town it was off to Alladins magic Carpet and the we convinced Andrew that he had to go on Splash Mountain. Andrew hates rides, especially anything that drops or is fast in anyway. Him and Baylee go great together. I think the thing that made it all worth it is that he got to see Goofy at the end.Brooklyn end up seeing Pluto and had to get in her beauty shots with him.

Later that night we went to see the lighting of the castle. Afterwards everyone but Andrew, the girls, my mom and I went off to ride more rides. We decided to go see the princess and Mickey Mouse and Minnie. Baylee just loved Minnie and Mickey. She tried to eat Minnies nose. It was so dang cute!
The next day we were off to Epcot. The first ride we went on was the Land ride. It is a ride that talks about the land. Who would have thought! Andrew quite enjoyed it, because it was stuff he was interested in and that it went slow. We then went on Spaceship Earth, which is the ride through the big golf ball. At the end we were able to play a few games in 3-D. Later that night we went to Germany to eat. I knew Andrew would love this place becuase he loves brauts and sourkraut. YUK!!So does my dad. But you would be amazed at the amount of food that comes from Germany. Like macaroni and cheese. Who knew. Brooklyn was of course the first one to finish so she pulled out her princess to play. Did you also know that Snow White was from Germany. They had a band there that played music and one the songs in the chicken song. Heather pulled Drew up to do a little dance. It was hilarious!
The next day everyone went in their own ways. Andrew, Drew, My mom, the girls and I went to Downtown Disney which is just filled with different shops. Brooklyn had her Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique scheduled. This is where the dress them up as princesses. Brooklyn had decided that she wanted to be Belle. As they took her back to the dressing room the lady asked "What does the Fairy Godmother say to Cinderella before she changes her into a beautiful princess. Brooklyn responded with a little help "Bibbidi bobbidi boo" and the lady opened the door. There Brooklyn found a dress, shoes, a crown and a magic wand. She was in heaven. We quickly got her dressed and then she was off to get her hair, makeup and nails done. With a photo shoot at the end. Oh this girl was in heaven!Andrew and Drew found a Harley Davidson store and took a few shots. Later that night we ate a England and watched the fireworks over the water. Andrew was amazed that they put on that type of fireworks show every night.
The next day was Thanksgiving. We were off to Animal Kingdom. It totally didn't feel like Thanksgiving. No cold weather, no cooking nothing. Just riding rides and squeezing through crowds. But it was still fun! Our first ride was a Safari ride. Brooklyn loved it! And bawled when we had to get off. Notice the giraffes eating in the trees and the elephants. Baylee found a Princess Minnie that she was not going to live without and so her dad bended and got it for her. Later that night we went to the Wilderness Lodge resort to have Thanksgiving dinner. Baylee had a great time as usual and Drew enjoyed sitting with the older kids! That unfortuantly was Brooklyns look most evenings when she didn't get exactly what she wanted! What a peach!
They brought all the regulars that you would enjoy for Thanksgiving and also so pretty good shakes Andrew said.
The kids later that night. Brooklyn had quite the day!
The next morning we had reservations at The Crystal Palace. Pooh and his friends come to visit while you are eating. Baylee absolutly loved Pooh! Hugs and everything was instore.Even Andrew insisted on getting his taken too!

My mom and Andrew enjoying breakfast! After breakfast everyone went their own ways. Drew wanted to go with Shaun to ride some rides, and Brooklyn wanted to see the castle on more time. We got a few last pictures of the castle and took in all of Disney. It was bittersweet getting ready to leave and knowing that this was our last day.Brooklyn wanted to get a pic with donald. As we got up there to take the pic Baylee decides to grab my boob. Without even thinking I blurt out, "Baylee don't grab mommies boob." Thats right, right in front on Scrooge McDuck. He just looked at Andrew and put his hand over his mouth like he was laughing. This last pic was of the boys at the airport. Andrew had been going through withdrawls all week since all Disney served was Coke. He made sure to get three for the ride home.I am not sure what was more tiring, writing this blog or the vacation itself. But it sure was fun and I am so thankful to all those who put time into planning it!


Hannah said...

Oh my gosh, Courtney, what FUN!!! Just looking at the pictures makes me want to go! You guys did so many things; oh, it sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to show Austin and Aubree in the morning. Fun, FUN!!!!!! And you look so cute - I LOVE your hair!!

The Painters said...

Looks like you guys had a awesome time! I would love to do Thanksgiving at Disney! We missed you in Idaho, though!

Brandon said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun. I can imagine Brooklyn loved the princess dress-up.

Sarah's Project said...

Ok, if we ever go with kids I have got to get together with you. We didn't even know you could eat with Pooh Bear or the Princesses. We hit all the rides hard, but missed all of the good food. I loved your long blog - thanks for letting me enjoy your week. I'm just amazed you did all that and your kids weren't completely horrid by day 2. All those pictures of Baylee grinning - wow. You truly are a great Mom!

Dawna said...

What a fun trip! Looks like you had a blast. I am freezing right now, so a trip to Florida sounds extra nice! :)